Sigur Rós Drummer Quits Following Sexual Assault Allegations

Sigur Rós Drummer Quits Following Sexual Assault Allegations

Icelandic group Sigur Ros announced the death of drummer Orri Páll Dýrason following allegations of sexual assualt. Sigur Rós submitted a statement from Dýrason in their Facebook page.

Dýrason has been accused of rape by celebrity Meagan Boyd at a Instagram post. Read Boyd’s allegation below via Pitchfork:

“I was drunk, and I had met him at a club (I had a brief period where I was a dancer at a club called ‘that the body store ’-RRB-, I also engaged in a kiss him before falling asleep in precisely exactly the same bed, following that I pumped out. I awakened with the sensation of being penetrated during a slumber … with no consent. It occurred twice that night, and I wondered [to] myself I didn’t leave after the first time–however I was drunk, dead exhausted, in shock, and that was before I ever heard of anything else similar to Uber/Lyft…. But none of this should matter because no one deserves to become raped/touched/licked/fucked without CONSENT. ”

Boyd wrote another Instagram article, which has also since been deleted, where she shared contents took place with Dýrason at 2013 she claims that the assault took place. “I cannot understand why you’d want to accuse me of something I didn’t do, so ” Boyd asserts the drummer composed along with, “I am so sorry you are currently going through this. But my experience from that night is very different from “ and yours ” We had a nice night drawing and drinking at my apartment; then we went to bed. You wanted to remain and asked me if you can, but I had to go to the studio and you have angry about that. We had a fantastic time together. I enjoy your art and I believe you are a talented artist and I liked being with you. ”

Meagan Boyd supposedly wrote back the next in her Instagram article:

“I wasn’t angry you had to leave! I was angry that I awakened to some dick inside me without permission! You acted like you didn’t know why I was upset. I screamed in the telling me you, ‘You don&rsquo! ’ You asked me to remain and for my variety and even invited me to go to the studio. I cried for the way home and after. I’d trauma for years have yet to be able to overlook you’ve made me feel and how used and taken advantage of and for weeks. You are gaslighting me. Just fucking admit what you’d like. ”

“In the wake of the extremely serious and personal allegations made against him in recent days we have now accepted the resignation of the bandmate Orri Páll Dyrason to allow him to deal with this independently,” composed Sigur Rós’ Jónsi and Georg Hólm on Facebook. Dýrason seemingly denies the allegations in his article. “I can do anything in my power but from respect for those suffering from abuse, I will not take that struggle people. Read his statement below:

I begin with my friends and relatives for the service you have shown. For me personally sense for your trust, regardless of the people allegations against me it is very excellent .

This thing has taken its toll on me. Justifiably, some will say, and I do not mean to argue with those people. However, I really ask their anger to be steered by the individuals into detract and the right path from dragging my loved ones, and my wife. At precisely exactly the same time, I request people to remain calm and not to be divided into two battling armies, these aren’t court proceeding Meagan’s words from mine, on the internet. Words are in nobody’s favour — neither to her or me.

In light of this scale of this issue, I have chosen to render Sigur Rós. That’s a challenging choice for me, however I cannot possess the beautiful and important work that has been achieved there for the last years and these serious allegations help determine the band. A job that is dear to me personally.

I’ll do anything in my power to get myself out but from respect for those suffering from abuse, I will not accept that struggle people.


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