Woody Allen’s new film A Rainy Day in New York shelved by Amazon

Woody Allen’s new film A Rainy Day in New York shelved by Amazon

Amazon Studios has indefinitely shelved the latest Movie from Woody Allen, A Rainy Day in New York.

The film a part of a five-picture deal Amazon struck with Allen back in 2016. The movie from the partnership, Wonder Wheel, struggled to locate cinemas ready to disperse it and flopped at the box office upon its release.  A Rainy Day in New York cost the studio a reported $25 million.

“No launch date has been put for the movie,” the studio advised Page Six.

The move to keep A Rainy Day in New York about the shelf comes since Allen faces scrutiny in the aftermath of the #MeToo and Time’s Up motions. Accusations that the writer/director had sexually assaulted his daughter Dylan Farrow were at the public discourse. Farrow herself spoke publicly about the misuse at 2014 and again after the growth of #MeToo.

Lots of the celebrities of A Rainy Day in New York have taken action to distance themselves in the movie and Allen. Rebecca Hall (who also starred in Vicky Christina Barcelona) given her wages to the Time’s Up anti-harassment fund.  Griffin Newman delivered his wages to RAINN (the Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network), and dubbed himself a “coward” for never stopping the film in the first location.  Timothée Chalame divide his earnings in the film between Time’Up, ” the LGBT Centre at New York, along with RAINN. The movie also stars Selena Gomez, Elle Fanning, and Jude Law, also allegedly features a sexual relationship between a 44-year-old man and a 15-year-old girl.

Amazon is allegedly trying to pay its way out of the deal it has with Allen. When it could t, the studio has been contractually bound to release A Rainy Day at a certain point.

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