Review – Nine Inch Nails Hammered Red Rocks With Heaviness
Nine Inch Nails is one of those bands that seethes uncontrolled aggression. Their performances and songs — dystopian releases of turmoil and violence — control on all cylinders in bigger than life cadences. Are devoted warriors to the outrage that the music inspires — a catharsis in the band ’ s message and finding an identity. To this effect, their functionality at Red Rocks Tuesday night has been hellfire and hand grenades, an assault of a performance leaving nothing but deafening cheers in its aftermath. The “Cold Black and Infinite Tour” because it’s been dubbed, knocked the living daylights from Red Rocks.
Photo courtesy of Nine Inch Nails’ Facebook Page
Much to the shock of attendees, Nine Inch Nails took the stage bathed in darkness, before Trent Reznor appeared out of a single spotlight and shot the shot. Since the crescent moon sat anchored to the monoliths, Nine Inch Nails strode throughout the aggravated “Somewhat Damaged” before the whole devastation of the fuzzed out “The Day The World Went Away,” because it accompanied. The creation, simple yet incredibly successful saw channels of illumination encompassing the band — providing mild and taking it away at a moment&rsquo. The performance — an ambush of sound and lighting — was disorienting as it was exhilarating. Couple the light production with the cameraman shooting onstage and the functionality mushroomed to epic proportions.
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