REZZ stars in TIDAL’s mini-doc, ‘The Alien Behind The Goggles’

REZZ stars in TIDAL’s mini-doc, ‘The Alien Behind The Goggles’

REZZ stars in TIDAL’s mini-doc, ‘The Alien Behind The Goggles’Rezz Tidal 1

Ahead of her album listening party at Magic Castle, REZZ sat with TIDAL to temporarily divulge into not only where the inspiration came to its Certain Kind Of Magic album, but touch on her come-up, and ancient influences.

REZZ has ever been outspoken about her broad range of musical preference, and reiterates this at the meeting, citing her love to get pop-punk (Green Day, Bring Me The Horizon, My Chemical Romance) and also deadmau5 about the electronic end. As she lovingly reminisces about her ancient festival-going days, the stunt rebounds a photo of REZZ posing in an occasion donning an huge Skrillex perler about her neck.

“I was totally involved with exactly the identical manner all my supporters are ” she states.

Twitter has put a watershed moments in REZZ’s career. She enthusiastically recounts the day Skrillex soon messaged her asking her to help keep him in the loop on her unreleased tracks, and followed her to the stage.

She also emphasizes how she uses her interaction with supporters on Twitter to allow them to truly feel connected to her “as a real person. ” REZZ says her lovers attributing her quixotic nicknames on Twitter such as “magician and wizard,” resulted in the magical theme becoming the new album’s focus.

Diving far back to her musical history since she can recall, she remembers that while she never learned music had some formal instruction, from a really early age, she displayed an aptitude. She cites a workout from school in which players tried to mimic each s drum routines, and also she intuitively mirrored the other kids’ sequences.

The doc is available for anyone who have TIDAL subscriptions. 

Photo Credit: Philip Prolo

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