Day For Night Festival Drops Founder After Sexual Assault Accusations

Day For Night Festival Drops Founder After Sexual Assault Accusations

Oma Afra of Day For Night festival has been accused of sexual misconduct against 2 women.

Houston’s notable electronic music festival, Day For Night, is dropping the creator Oma Afra due to disturbing allegations against him. From here on out, he will have no ties to the event. Two allegations came out since Thursday, the first from a nightclub photographer Veronica Ramos and the second from a prospective festival worker Phoenix Hamilton. Both of the women shared similar encounters with Afra, revealing he had forcefully kissed and groped them on separate occasions. 

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After Hamilton’s story, a former employee of Afra’s, Amanda Hart, shared to Facebook more negative comments against him saying he would create “a toxic work environment where people are manipulated, mistreated and abused emotionally.”

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Omar Afra has posted to Facebook following the accusations, stating that the claims are false but is stepping down as the creative director of Day For Night and publisher at Free Press Houston. 

In his Facebook post, Afra wrote that he has “no choice but to fight back against allegations that are patently false.” He added that “It would do no justice to anyone for me to capitulate to lies and fabrications.” He also added, “In the recent years I have veered away from what I knew was right and caused pain to those around me including family and friends. I am most sorry to Andrea, a woman that has stood by me for 20 years now. Because of this, I have been in therapy for over a year and have been doing some real work on myself and trying to get back on the path of focusing on the real me; a man who loves his family and wants to do right by people.”

Day for Night festival was founded in 2015 and has featured performances from big acts such as Kendrick Lamar, Aphex Twin, Björk, Solange, Nine Inch Nails, and more. 

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