
Movie review: “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” is a stunning animated achievement that lives up to the hype

— Four Stars Miles Morales makes the most of his Hollywood minute. “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” the multidimensional mind-trip from Sony Pictures Animation, feels much like the seventh Spider-Man film to hit the big screen (we’re not counting “Venom”-RRB- and much more like a one-of-a-kind, wall-crawling experience. It warrants top rank among Spider-Man’s greatest achievements, […]

“Venom” reviews say the latest superhero movie is a mess, but it’s “a fun, fascinating mess”

Just as a picture is a oddball of a retro misfire doesn’t mean it’s not, well, entertaining. Which seems to be the nearest thing to a consensus among the first wave of testimonials “Venom,” which represents Sony’s no attempt to build out its superhero world. To be clear, the critics’ scores as tallied are about […]