
Remembering Theryl ‘Houseman’ DeClouet: A Galactic Vocalist

On July 15, 2018, vocalist Theryl “The Houseman” DeClouet expired in the age of 66. Born in New Orleans on September 17, 1951, DeClout turned into a co-founding part of this acclaimed funk band Galactic, emerging on the band’s 1996 debut album Coolin’ Off, 1998’s Crazyhorse Mongoose, 2000’s Late For The Future and 2003’s Ruckus. […]

Review – Jeff Lynne’s ELO Spaceship Impacted Pepsi Center

It’s fairly easy to become sensitive to the grand appearance of something legendary — especially after almost 35 years of being dormant. Jeff Lynne’s ELO returned to the U.S. with resounding force and traveled through time and space to get here, with Denver being the third stop on their cosmic journey. If that’s not exceptional, […]