
Show You Should Know – De La Soul’s Maseo to Play DJ Chonz Foundation Launch

Mario Rodriguez — also known as DJ Chonz — has become one of the elder statesmen of all Denver’s hip community. Throughout his career he’s selected tracks for KGNU’s app “Eclipse: Shedding of a Blacker Light,” worked extensively with KS107.5, has DJ’d all over the country and has started from many of the largest acts […]

Review – Bohemian Nights Proved to Be a Utopia For Local Music Discovery

At some point over the dizzying weekend of local music that is Bohemian Nights at NewWestFest, someone muttered, “Sweltering Days and Bohemian Nights” — and sweltering hot days they were. But no amount of heat could stop the community of Fort Collins and surrounding cities and towns from coming out in numbers to the annual […]