
Restaurant review: Carrie Baird’s “fancy toast” is good. But Bar Dough is so much more than that.

3.5 stars (out of 4) Carrie Baird didn’t want for “elaborate toast” to become her trademark dish. Following a final-four end on season 15 of “Top Chef” — and two Quickfire wins courtesy of her amped-up bread creations — the plate is now a permanent fixture in the menu at Bar Dough, at which she’s a […]

New Snowmass restaurant boasts that its $120 caviar crepe might be the most expensive in the world

Base Village at Snowmass can now lay claim to an outdoor ice-skating noodle, the newest Limelight Hotel and, in case you’re direct to ask Mawa McQueen, the world’s most expensive crepe. “Google it,” she explained with a laugh. “Nobody has a 120 crepe. ” McQueen, an Aspen chef that was born on the Ivory Coast […]

The 9 hottest Denver restaurants of 2018

Another season, another round of new restaurant tendencies and adventures: Latin dim sum! Down with menus! Zero-waste! Sustainability! Simply give us a burger! No, just give us foie gras terrine! There kind of was something for everybody, from super-sophisticated French food and walk-up pizza windows to seriously great Chinese and bucket list-worthy pita and hummus. […]